January 7, 2020 - O. angasi Histology Papers
Lab Work
O. angasi Papers
Today, Laura gave me a quick runthrough of her project and few papers to read in order to prepare for the histology analysis that I will be doing on the O. angasi samples that she collected from Australia. Below are some general key points that I gathered from these papers on how to determine oyster gonad sex and stage (links to the papers are highlighted in blue):
- Differences in gametogenic cycle among strains of the European flat oyster Ostrea
edulis and relationship between gametogenesis and bonamiosis
- Gonad Sex
- this section was broken down into 6 categories:
- Indeterminate (I) - only collaped/empty follicles
- Male solely (M) - only male gonad material in follicle
- Female solely (F) - only female gonad material in follicle
- Hermaphrodite with both sexes equally represented (HBS) - half female and half male gonad material in follicle
- Hermaphrodite predominantly male (HPM) - mostly male gonad material in follicle, but some female gonad material also present
- Hermaphrodite predominantly female (HPF) - mostly female gonad material in follicle, but some male gonad material also present
- this section was broken down into 6 categories:
- Gonad Stage
- This category was broken down into 6 stages:
- Inactive or resting gonad
- Early gametogenesis
- Advanced gametogenesis
- Ripe gonad
- Partially spawned gonad
- Reabsorbing gonad
- This category was broken down into 6 stages:
- Gonad Sex
- Gonad Sex
- The gonad sex determination in this paper is the same as the paper above
- Gonad Stage
- The gonad stage determination in this paper is similar to the paper above
- Gonad Sex
- Factors effecting reproduction and larval development of
Ostrea angasi (Sowerby 1871): Advancing hatchery
- Gonad Sex
- gonad sex was broken down into 6 categories, with 2 subcategories for spent/spawning males and females:
- spent/spawning males
- developing male - spermatogonium, spermatocyte balls, and a few spermatozoa balls present
- ripe male - mostly spermatozoa balls present, few spermatocyte balls, and no spermatogonium
- spent/spawning female
- developing female - oogonia and developing oocytes present; no free oogonia
- ripe female - free oogonia present
- predominantly male (mostly sperm present)
- predominantly female (mostly oocyte present)
- non-defined
- spent/spawning males
- gonad sex was broken down into 6 categories, with 2 subcategories for spent/spawning males and females:
- Gonad stage
- This paper did not provide information on how they determined gonad stage
- Gonad Sex
- Gametogenesis, sex ratio and energy metabolism in Ostrea angasi: implications
for the reproductive strategy of spermcasting marine bivalves
- Gonad Sex
- The sex determination was simply divided into four categories: male, female, hermaphrodite, and undifferentiated. Oysters containing larvae were automatically categorized as female unless they also contained spermatozeugmata.
- Gonad Stage
- The gonad stage was broken down into 5 categories:
- resting gonad
- early gametogenesis
- advanced gametogenesis
- mature gonad
- spawned gonad
- descriptions of the stages are not provided in the text, but images associated to each of the stages are
- The gonad stage was broken down into 5 categories:
- Gonad Sex
Next Steps
- Continue to read papers given by Laura more in-depth
- Begin to look at images and practice determining oyster gonad sex and stage of development with Laura
Written on January 7, 2020